About Me

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I am just trying to make my way in the world without causing any harm while I am here. It is a noble task that I hope to get better at with each passing day. I currently write several blogs. NoThinker is my social activist blog. Running for CRSF is a blog I started when I wanted to track my training for my first half marathon race which I ran in Sept‘08. I also used this experience to raise money for an orphanage in Sri Lanka. My Meditation Journal is where I chronicle my thoughts and experiences with meditation. I hope that something here touches you and enriches your life. I learn best when I learn from others so all comments are welcome.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am sorry to have been away so long

If anyone out there is still following me. I have moved my blog to


Be well,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thoughts of Metta

May I be well happy and peaceful.

Monday, December 15, 2008

How to enjoy paradise when it is only an illusion

Attachment, clinging, craving, holding on; all these are as natural to me as breathing. As I have conditioned myself over the years and one could argue over the ages in past existences, clinging to the impermanant world is quite a habit.

This comes to mind as I am enjoying my vacation in Sri Lanka and the traps that come with such an experience. Right now I am writing this post from a five star luxury hotel. The atmosphere and service is beyond description. The experience here has been so pleasant that it is beyond tempting to be carried away with it.

In order to truly enjoy something like this I must put it into perspective. First it's not free. I have to pay for this with money I have worked hard to earn; from a job I'm not too crazy about. Second, this is just a temporary thing that is subject to all the things life is subject to. Third, it all comes to an end.

With this in mind I believe that I can cut through the illusions and see this for what it really is and thus be able to enjoy it fully.

Sensual pleasure always comes with dissatisfaction. One teacher described it as "buy one get one free". That will certainly be the case when we leave here. There will be a small part of me that will still want things to remain how they are here.

So, I must let go so that I can be free to enjoy. All good AND bad things come to an end. That being said it's time to enjoy the life I have.